I think of myself as a very honest person. I do not lie unless the truth would cause exceptional harm to anyone, including myself. Usually I don't even have any information that cause any harm, so I don't worry about it. I'm not brutal or anything; I generally think the best about people and their situations. I think that the people who know me well know that I will always strive to be honest with them.
I have discovered that I only lie to myself and that I cause myself harm. I read over the blogs I haven't deleted here (the post partum depression and such) and came across the engagement post. I wrote this:
We have seen each other at terrible times, and we have offered our shoulders to each other during these times. We have laughed, cried, yelled, smiled, hugged, kissed, screamed, slammed doors, walked away, and come back for more.
This is a lie. That whole blog, pictures and everything, was perfectly placed so that he would see it. I even finally gave him the blog address. I want(ed) him to think that I was happy. I always hoped that if he thought I was happy, he would be. I am tragically in love with him.
The truth is that I have been in a verbally abusive relationship for years and I am finally aware of it. The post partum condition after having our daughter was exasperated by this. He was cruel. He told me to "get my shit together," and I was chastised and told to, "call someone who gives a damn," when I cried about his comments. The quote above does not accurately describe any way that he has treated me over the years. I am not "allowed" to tell him how I feel because it's always wrong. Sometimes I am afraid of speaking....but I am more afraid that I will forget to feel and think for myself.
Why have I stayed? That is a question I will try to never ask myself again. Through months and months of counseling and trying everything in every book, I finally admitted what everyone was telling me all along.
There is nothing I can do. He cannot change, he will not change. I do not have to justify feeling how I do because this is real. This is pain. I am put down, belittled, antagonized, etc on a daily basis. The Verbally Abusive Relationship is the best book I could have gotten. I finally listened to the counselor and read it. I cried for the first few chapters, highlighter streaming across every page. Although I read the book in a day, (when I should have been studying. I am always concentrating on "us" when I should be studying.) I used three different colors to highlight the areas and lines that I related to in my current situation.
This is what it took for me to realize that it was true and I am not making this up.
Nearly the whole book is highlighted. I would and will recommend this book to anyone that is even at the start of a verbally abusive relationship. If I could go back, I would have caught the cruel comments and "jokes" within the first few weeks (yes, it was that soon) and I would never have continued. I now know that this is not okay.
He was receptive again to counseling, but probably will not go. I'm trying to do my best and tell him to stop and then walk away. I'm supposed to tell him the comments are unacceptable or something similar. It sounds easy. It's not.
He has drained me through the years and I cannot believe right now that it happened to me. It happens to SO many women and it goes unnoticed. People see him as an amazing guy. Of course they do; he buys me expensive things and we go on trips. They don't see what happens when they're not around and verbal abuse does not leave a physical scar.
I don't know who you are but I am in your exact same situation except my husbands Idea of making it better is to go out to dinner. I think I could benefit from reading that book. what I really want to do is start a suppoirt group for woman so that they can call and talk without some mandated reporter or someone telling me what to do. I just want someone to tralk with that doesnt have expectations. my email address is idreamofbutterflies@ymail.com if your interested or know of someone to talk to. thanks
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments and I hope you continue to follow. There is not enough information out there for women facing this abuse and I aim to change that. I am in the process of starting a support group for women like us, and hope to build it into a charity by its third year. I have been gone since June 1 and am making progress daily. However, this healing is not instantaneous. I am fully aware that I will be healing for the rest of my life and that some days I may be back at square one. Hang in there, you're going to be okay. If you need someone to talk to, my email address is: verbalabusestops@live.com
ReplyDeleteThank you, for writing this. I'm following. If you visit my blog Fairywebmother's Laboratory, look for a post called "obsession". You may find it interesting. Again...thank you. You've helped and supported me, today. :)